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Rajeshwari Karuna School , Tuli (RKS Tuli)


Usually in urban areas there is quantitative number of schools that provides education with well-equipped infrastructures. This however, is a different reality when it comes to the educational institutions in far-flunked districts in Nagaland where the educational institutions are either scarce when compared to students-space ratio or it doesn’t have all the required amenities needed by the students. This pertaining circumstance therefore, creates a wide spectrum of inconveniences to the children such as acquisition of knowledge is lagging behind than their counterpart in urban areas, or lack of access to modern facilities and moreover, it has ripple implications on the life of the children. This plot however, has only three end results, first being the children staying back in their own native and studying there, second is that the well-off family sends their children to urban schools were they are admitted to residential schools and third, the least fortunate who are sent off to the urban areas in hope of getting their education while staying and working as domestic help (child labour) where they are employed by families in urban cities.

School Building

In light of the above context Rajeshwari Karuna School (RKS) was established envisaging of providing excellent learning centre at par with schools in urban cities to the children of rural areas especially tribal children. The school intends to make possible for the children to enjoy their childhood like their counter part in urban areas through provision of infrastructural education support, nutritious food, psychosocial care and support, and education on health and hygiene. The school currently has students admitted from Longleng, Tuensang, Mon, Mokokchung and even Dimapur district. The school has not only students from Nagaland but it has attracted enrollment from the neighbouring states of Assam, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh. In the academic session 2017-2018 with upgradation to Grade-6 the total strength was 143 where 70 of them residential students.

The foremost importance about education is the knowledge gain. It gives us as an individual or the collective, the knowledge of the world around us and gives us a new perspective of how everyday circumstance becomes easy to interact with because of the awareness we received through the knowledge about it and how it changes it into something better. In RKS knowledge are not just imparted for academic purposes but we ensure that each and every student garner and grasp the power of knowledge to transform their lives, character, personality and above all, to help them build opinions and have points of view about life. The educators in RKS make sure that education remains in empirical wondering and that the children remain open to new ideas and information. People argue over the subject that whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge or education is the process of gaining information from the surrounding world and that knowledge is something different. Over the course of our existence, as a school we have realized that information cannot be converted into knowledge or put into experimental solution without education. Education makes an individual capable of interpreting knowledge, things, among other things into practicality. So, it has become very imperative that we incorporate in our education system or the way we teach, such essence of education. It is not just about lessons from the textbooks, but it is also about the lessons of life and education in its quintessence should transform life.

Whilst education is a vital need of children everywhere, schooling as experienced by many tribal children can be more of an ambiguity too as it separates children from their traditions and languages and families if they have to pursue education in standard institutions. This very status quo remains a highlight and shapes our interaction with the children in the school based on that. The school has revived indigenous games in the annual games and sports besides other non-traditional games. Traditional dances and traditional attires are taught to perform or wear during annual and important events of the school. The children are sent back home during long holidays, this allows the children to reconnect with their family and elders and also to their culture and land. This is a major step in familiarizing the children back to the very root of their origin.

The school continues to improve in its approaches to educate the young minds and hearts and to transform their cognitive, emotions and actions so that the days ahead will be made better through them. The children at RKS have grown exponentially in their values and virtues, intelligence, different talents and above all in their ability to coexist and respect for one another.


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